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Barcelona x Real é adiado

Protesters use fences as a barricade during clashes near the Police headquarters in Barcelona, on October 18, 2019, on the day that separatists have called a general strike and a mass rally. - Spain's protest-hit northeast was gripped by a general strike today as thousands of
Protesters use fences as a barricade during clashes near the Police headquarters in Barcelona, on October 18, 2019, on the day that separatists have called a general strike and a mass rally. - Spain's protest-hit northeast was gripped by a general strike today as thousands of "freedom marchers" converged on Barcelona for a mass show of dissent over the jailing of nine Catalan separatist leaders. (Photo by Pau Barrena / AFP) -

Os protestos e os conflitos políticos (foto) na Catalunha, região separatista onde fica Barcelona, levaram a Federação Espanhola de Futebol a adiar o clássico Barcelona x Real Madrid, pela 10ª rodada do campeonato local, que estava marcado para o dia 26 de outubro, no Camp Nou, do Barça. A nova data será definida em reunião com os dois clubes.